Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Chloe Turns 6
I've never been good at journaling. I'm not very good at scrapbooking. In fact, the last pictures that I printed from my digital camera were printed in 2007. That means I have 2 years worth of events stored on a hard drive or USB stick somewhere floating around letting me forget what actually happened. I'm really trying to remedy this bad habit. So my goal starting in November was to update the Blog at least once a week. That way there would be at least some record of my life. So here is my Dear Diary I'm sorry I haven't written to you in _______ but here goes excuse out of the way.
On November, 19 2009 Chloe turned 6. She has been in our family 6 whole years. I can not believe it. She started Kindergarten this year. At her parent teacher conference she was excelling at everything. The only comment that her teacher had was "We are working on Chloe not always having to be in charge." Oh why do we pass off our bad habits to our children.
Chloe is sure of herself. She is brave. She is a kind friend. She is always making sure that everyone is included. She loves when smaller kids are over at our house so that she can take care of them. Thanks to a wonderful "T" Chloe is taking and loving every second of dance. She is growing up to be a beautiful and thoughtful girl.
Happy Birthday Chloe - Even if it is 2 weeks late.
TOFW and Sweet Assurance
The theme of this years tour was Sweet Assurance. The speakers touched on the feeling of assurance that can come from knowing truths. Not only were we able to hear the music of Jenny Oaks Baker and Hillary Weeks, but we also heard from Wendy Watson Nelson, Mary Ellen Edmunds, Kris Belcher, Emily Watts, S. Michael Wilcox and my favorite Sherri Dew.
Here are some highlights
Wendy Watson Nelson - spoke of filling the measuring of your creation. "Remember the Plan of Salvation is not Plan B."
S. Micheal Wilsox - "Go to Heavenly Father with a need. He will take what you have and multiply it. And it will fill the need."
Emily Watts - "Sometimes it's the trials in our life that make us who Heavenly Father needs us to be."
Kris Belcher - Her amazing story of pain and hope and grace. How even when you feel you've lost everything, you can still feel the love of your Heavenly Father.
Sheri Dew - Taught that sometimes you have to take one for the Lord's Team. (Sound familiar moms?) But you are blessed in return. She also told the story of the Relief Society Wheat and the amazing things that can be accomplished when sisters in zion work together for a righteous cause.
The meeting was closed with the direction to go home and share what each of us knows. I want each of you to know that I know many things. Everything I know stems from this simple truth. I know that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me. He knows my name. He knows my life. He loves me unconditionally. This makes it possible for me to get up each day and face the world that isn't always filled with hugs and puppies.
Visit deseretbook.com/time-out/ for more info about the 2010 tour.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The first baptism

Friday, November 13, 2009
Zac starts Cub Scouts
Zac turned 8 on Tues and his Wolf group meets on Wednesday, so he got to go to scouts for the 1st time the day after he turned 8. The first activity was bike-riding. Zac hasn't quite mastered riding on 2 wheels yet (I'm sure that a way too small bike doesn't help). I called his leader to see if he could ride his scooter instead. She said it would be fine, but it might be hard to keep up. The boys road to our stake center which is down the road quite a ways, and the leaders said that Zac kept up with all the other boys on bikes. He took one big spill but got right back on for another try. He is WAY TOUGH.
The next week they had a Halloween party and this past week was his 1st Pack Meeting. In a trial by fire welcome to scouts blaze of glory, the first pack meeting was Pine Wood Derby. We learned the lesson of not making the car for FHE the day before the race. I was impressed at how many of the cars looked like the boys had worked hard to make them, not just painted the car that dad made. Each racer got to race 4 times. The slowest time was dropped and winners crowned based on top 3 scores. Zac didn't win, but ended up a close 2nd in the last heat. He won the award for "A Lightening Fast Car." Scott's being reading Harry Potter to the kids and Zac put a Harry Potter lightening bolt on the top of the car.
It is so amazing to watch my kids grow up. I'm so thankful that my Heavenly Father lets me have a piece of these kids that belong to him. I'm so proud of all the accomplishments Zac has made in just 8 years. Can't wait for the next.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Zac turns 8
The day he was born was scary. It's even scarier now that I'm less clueless. I think that's the problem with the oldest kid. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know enough to know that I should be really scared. I worry that I'm screwing up a lot, and know that I probably am screwing up a lot.
Zac is wonderful. He is very energetic and full of life. He is a great big brother and a kind friend. He always wants everyone to be included. He has no fear. Let me say again, HE HAS NO FEAR. He has no problem asking for directions, explanations, or help from store employees. He doesn't worry that he is singing louder than everyone else. He doesn't care what any one else thinks about him. He is just happy being Zac. I hope that he never changes. I look forward to many more happy birthdays as he grows into a young man.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Why does everything have to be scheduled for the same day?
Move forward 3 months, Zac is ready to start soccer. And soccer practice is going to be . . . . . yep you guessed it, Wednesday at 5pm. Luckily I have a very nice neighbor with a son on the team, who was willing to shuttle Zac to and from practice. I'm thinking, "This isn't so bad. It's only 2 months." Soccer ends and now I only have Chloe's dance and laundry. Life is moving pretty good, UNTIL Zac turns 8 (More on that later). Well now Zac is in Cub Scouts - Way cool he's getting older. So now Zac goes to Scouts at 4:30 and right after I get him off, we head out to take Chloe to dance.
I'm glad and happy to let my kids participate in some extra curricular activies. I hope that the twins forgive me for spending the afternoon shuttling them around. And I wonder how I'll ever make it work next year with 4 kids each in their own activity. At least I've got a few months to figure it out.
Long Time No Posts
Friday, August 21, 2009
The Stone Grocery Store is open for business!
We get 4 Sunday papers and she takes full advantage of them - now we have something that we never thought possible - FOOD STORAGE!
Zac's first soccer game
We are so proud of him - GO COUGARS!!!

The First Day of School
Give me a BREAK!
Since I was close to the InstaCare, I was able to stop there and verify that the insurance was accepted there and that we didn't need to go to the emergency room (our insurance is awesome but if we don't go to the right place we can get screwed). Once I gave Liz the green light she was there and soon Alaina was there to help rangle the other kids for us.
Chloe was such a trooper. She is by far our most sensative child - she had red eyes from some early tears (she broke her arm for heavens sake) but not another one fell about her arm - the entire time. She said that she broke it when getting off of her bunk bed (the side withOUT the ladder, of course), started to fall and grabbed the railing to catch herself and SNAP! Liz felt bad because Chloe cries so often we sometimes just let her go with a hug and a kiss and she kept calling her to come downstairs. When she wouldn't come down, Liz went up and there she was in a heap on the floor. To the emergency room!
The doctors were great! She had a splint for a week and then had to be fitted for a cast at Primary Childrens the week after. Of course she chose pink. She had everyone she could think of sign it and thought that was one of the best parts of the whole deal.
She had to start school with it, but it was off the day after. She said it was "heavy" and didn't want to move it, but it had heal enough that she didn't need another cast. YEA!!!!

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open house
As crazy as it was, they kids did a great job and other than a couple of situations involving shoes and a couch we didn't have any problems. The temple has lighter tones for the wood, beautiful designs on the windows and the chandeliers have star designs.
Zac liked the chandeliers, Chloe liked them too and the twins said that the cookies at the end were their favorites... I hope this doesn't start a precidence with them... temple attendance=cookies :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
No more diapers for me, we've got Potty Power

Monday, June 1, 2009
It's official: Nathan is crazy (silly)
Along with this, he also has the ability to make faces and make people laugh. He has the "angry face" where he furrows his brow and gives a scowl that would melt steele and now is has the "blow up face".
The "blow up face" is one of the best and I hope that he never stops doing it! It includes his little voice informing you that "I'm going to blow up!"....
I will let the picture speak...
Zac's friend get baptized
Chloe's big dance recital
Liz had done Chloe's hair in curlers and enough hairspray to keep the space shuttle in flight and followed up with a little makeup and she was set to go. Grandma and Grandpa Stone were there (even though they had to park in the next county) and Alaina was able to join us right as it started. The dance that she performed was a ballet and Chloe did great job! You could see her counting the steps in her head and making sure that her partner was in the right place. When it was done, Liz went to got find her and bring her to the row to watch the rest of the show but couldn't find her or the entire dance group. I was just shutting down the camera when I looked up and saw Chloe on the edge of the stage! One of the girls in the dance number had gotten there late so they got to do it again. Chloe thought that was pretty cool!
She did a great job and we are looking forward to more dancing recitals!

(with eyes like that... we are in SOOOOO much trouble!)
More graduation pics

Chloe and her diploma

Chloe and her teacher, Miss Katie
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Chloe's Graduation from Preschool
Sunday, May 10, 2009
To all the other Mothers
You may be wondering what an "other mother" is. Well if you have ever
- Paid for lessons of a child who isn't yours
- Taught a primary, young women/men's, or sunday school lesson
- Kissed a booboo, tied a shoe, given a love to someone who didn't belong to you
- etc
well then you are an "other mother." Other mother's are part of what makes the world a better place. They can be any age, they can have kids or not. Each lends a hand when not strictly required by biology. This post is a thank all of my other mothers and to all the other mothers of my children. You make life a better and easier place. You help when times are rough. Sometimes you can even make checkout at Wal-mart with 4 kids possible. You entertain and smile when you don't have to. Your patient, loving, helpful, nice, and happy when real mothers need a hand. So, take some time to not only celebrate the mothers, but the other mothers that make our lives so great.
Thank you Grandmas, Aunts, Sisters, Cousins, Teachers, Neighbors, and Friends. You make my job as a mother actually possible.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Beware of the microwave
When I was little, and not so little, My mom used to tell me to "Be reware." I would walk into and trip over all sorts of things. I still have to pay really close attention or I walk into the wall when rounding a corner. Last Thursday, I was cooking dinner. It was something with rice. I had cooked the rice in the microwave with my handy dandy Pampered Chef Rice Cooker. I pulled the rice out of the microwave and placed it on the counter. I turned to get glasses out of the cupboard and without looking attempted to shut the microwave. I was also talking on the phone to Scott and I was not "being reware." I must not have pushed the door hard enough and it swung back and the handle hit me in the back of the head. It hurt really bad. But I was proud of myself and didn't say any naughty words. No I couldn't recreate the effect for curious observers.
As aforementioned I tend to get injured a lot so I didn't really think anything of the injury, UNTIL . . . I had a neighbor stop by. Now I have super great neighbors. I'm sorry to all of my friends and family but I live in the hands down best ward that ever could exist. We were chatting, and she looks at me and says "Are your eyes usually dilated differently? Did you just hit your head?" I mentioned that the microwave had swung and hit me in the back of the head, but it was no big deal. She was getting really concerned and asked when Scott was coming home. Of course, he was at play practice and wouldn't be home for another 3-4 hours. She gets more worried, and says that I should go get checked, and she was going to call me and check in on me.
I laughed it off. Oh whatever, I hit my head all the time. I'm always fine. I'll get the kids in bed and worry about it later. We ate dinner, and the kids got in jammies, and my doorbell rang. Apparently neighbor #1 had called neighbor #2 to come check on me. Neighbor #2 then proceeded to tell me horror stories of death with supposedly minor head injuries. I ask, "Are you sure that it isn't just the light. Are my eyes really different?" She says, "Yes they are different, and it's worse in the light." I tell her that I'll put the kids to bed, and find someone to come help me. She offers to either watch my kids or come with me to the ER. Yes I told you I have great neighbors.
So I put the kids in bed and call my Mom, who just happens to be kind of close at the Draper Costco. Then I call Instacare to see if they'll take me if I can get there 5 min. before they close. Guess what? With a head injury, you have to go to the ER - no choice. So I'm officially freaking out. I've looked at my eyes, they look different. I'm going to die. I call Scott and have him leave play practice. Now Mom, Dad, and Scott are all on their way to help me. I sit and watch 10 minutes of Life and begin to feel really stupid. It was just a microwave door. . . I'm not dying . . . this isn't a big deal. . . why did I bother everyone. . .
Well one hour and one blessing later, I'm on my way to the ER with Scott. One CT scan and 3 hours later, I'm on my way home. I have a regular old concussion. And I have a concussion from my microwave door. A week later, I feel back to normal. Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting all gone. Feeling like an idiot, still very prevalent.
I'm extremely grateful for my vigilant neighbors that worried about me over the night. I grateful my Mom and Dad were close and could watch my kids. I'm grateful for a husband to drop what he was doing, give me a blessing, take me to the hospital, and sit with me for the next 24 hours because I couldn't be left alone. I'm grateful that I wasn't hurt worse. I grateful for pain killer for went I felt hurt worse.
So now you know, if you are perfectly normal you can disregard this warning. But if like me you have ever gotten hurt in an unusual way, please beware of your microwave.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Days of the Week
Scott woke up on Wednesday and said, "Didn't I do this yesterday?" I replied, "Nope, today is laudry day, yesterday was kickboxing." Then on Thursday, Scott woke up and said "Didn't I do this yesterday?" And I replied, "Nope, today is recipe group, and scripture group, and dance. It's totally different than yesterday." You see every day Scott gets up and goes to his important job and basically does the same thing he did yesterday.
I get up and work, drive the car pool to preschool and dance, change a diaper, etc. Yep I get up and I'm a Mom. Some people, myself included, don't think that being a Mom is very glamous. It's not - most days I'm covered in ick and I don't know how or when it got there. You might thing that it isn't very exciting, and it gets very very boring, every day being the same as the one before. This is far from the truth and exactly why I know what day it is every day.
Take a look at our Schedule. Just the basic things we do week in and week out
Sunday - Go to church
Monday - Chloe has preschool, Mom gets to work
Tuesday - Kickboxing
Wednesday - preschool again and laundry day. Each week has different "extra" loads (1st adult sheets, 2nd kids sheets, 3rd lounging blankets, 4th towels - then repeat)
Thursday - scripture group, dance
Friday - Grandma's
Saturday - Dad is home, go grocery shopping and run errands
1st Thursday & Saturday = Quilting Class
3rd Thursday = Recipe Group
4th Thursday = Writing Group
My life is full of so many wonderful activities. I run around like a chicken with my head cut off most days, but at least I know what day it is.
Friday, March 6, 2009
I love Friday!
And best of all, our tax return should be direct deposited today and I'll be able to book our hotel to go visit my brother who moved away to California. I can think about a whole week of just the pool, the beach, and baby Maren (and Andy and Nicole too). Oh the joy. I just love Friday.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I opened the curtains in my room, which I haven't done all winter. It's stormy outside but the sunshine is so nice. The snow is finally all melted from the yard and soon we'll start to see the shoots of new flowers and the grass will start to turn green. It feels like I spend my whole life wishing the days away, or being so consumed will all the jobs I've got to get done today. Then suddenly tomorrow is today. Today in the quiet, I was thinking, someday almost every day will be this quiet. In 2 years I'll have all 4 kids in school. In 3, they will all be gone from 8-3 Monday thru Friday. They are so much fun as they get older, and smarter, and more independent. Will I enjoy them then as I much as I do now? Will I wish away all my tomorrows and wonder what happened when they all leave to be grownup?
I love the quiet, and I love that my kids are growing up. I was never one to wish back the baby stage. I didn't miss them sleeping in my arms (maybe because they never did) or rocking a screaming baby to sleep. I think I'll miss the funny things that they do and say everyday. I may even miss them playing in the water in the bathroom sink (and soaking themselves and the floor), and running down the hall at church panties in hand - dress pulled up to nose. Today's quiet was a good reminder to not skip past everything. I'm very thankful for something as small as a quiet house, if even for only an hour.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Do you have magic in your brain?
So are you a big big kid or a little kid? Do you have magic in your brain?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Stop Eating your shirt!
- Stop drinking your sisters bottle. To a 1 1/2 year old
- Stop hugging your brother.
- Mommy's in time out. You can't talk to me right now.
- Please stop helping me.
- Stop biting yourself
And I'm sure many more. And I sit and wonder, How did this end up being my life?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Long Time No Updates
For those of you who know very little about me I tend to overschedule myself. I relate with Mr. Incredible at the beginning of the movie a little too much (yeah I got time). So when making my schedule for the beginning of the year, I added a little to much. I'm still trying to get our schedule set so that everything gets down and nothing gets left out. Last week I wrote my February calendar out so that I could schedule doctors appointments. Excluding Sunday's I have 4 days with nothing. Yep out of the whole month. Here's a little taste of my craziness.
1. All 4 kids + Mom to the dentist.
2. All 4 kids to the doctor - the insurance FINALLY paid Chloe's 2007 wellness visit and now we are behind on well visits.
3. Liz activites - Kickboxing, Pilates, Scripture group, quiliting group, writing group, recipe group
4. Chloe dance & preschool
5. Zac homework, Chloe reading program - daily
6. ChaCha & Pampered Chef for money to pay the bills
7. Don't forget to get dressed, brush teeth, do the dishes, clean the house, shovel the walk, meet with friends, keep up on facebook, read your email, pay the bills, do the taxes, visit with family, dinner to a sick neighbor, and update the blog.
Hopefully now you get a little bit of our chaos and understand why the blog hasn't been updated since December. I wish that I could say that February was abnormal for us, but we just keep getting busier. I have lots of updates (Chloe & Zac's Christmas programs, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Fondue, and many more.) The blog is the only diary/scrapbooking/etc thing I do right now, and I'd like to have a record, so wait for updates. Hopefully in the near future.