Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Days of the Week

While talking to Scott last week I realized the advantage to being super busy. You always know what day it is. I don't have to rely on a calendar or even what's on TV tonight. Usually during the month I can even tell you what week of the month it is. Like I know the 3rd Thursday. I couldn't tell you the date, but I know during the week that it's the 3rd Thursday. Here is how I became aware of my amazing talents.

Scott woke up on Wednesday and said, "Didn't I do this yesterday?" I replied, "Nope, today is laudry day, yesterday was kickboxing." Then on Thursday, Scott woke up and said "Didn't I do this yesterday?" And I replied, "Nope, today is recipe group, and scripture group, and dance. It's totally different than yesterday." You see every day Scott gets up and goes to his important job and basically does the same thing he did yesterday.

I get up and work, drive the car pool to preschool and dance, change a diaper, etc. Yep I get up and I'm a Mom. Some people, myself included, don't think that being a Mom is very glamous. It's not - most days I'm covered in ick and I don't know how or when it got there. You might thing that it isn't very exciting, and it gets very very boring, every day being the same as the one before. This is far from the truth and exactly why I know what day it is every day.

Take a look at our Schedule. Just the basic things we do week in and week out

Sunday - Go to church
Monday - Chloe has preschool, Mom gets to work
Tuesday - Kickboxing
Wednesday - preschool again and laundry day. Each week has different "extra" loads (1st adult sheets, 2nd kids sheets, 3rd lounging blankets, 4th towels - then repeat)
Thursday - scripture group, dance
Friday - Grandma's
Saturday - Dad is home, go grocery shopping and run errands

1st Thursday & Saturday = Quilting Class
3rd Thursday = Recipe Group
4th Thursday = Writing Group

My life is full of so many wonderful activities. I run around like a chicken with my head cut off most days, but at least I know what day it is.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I love Friday!

I love Friday. Let me say it again I love Friday. The kids would say I don't like Friday, I LUUUUUV Friday. It is the last day of the school week, the last day I have to get up early to get someone else ready. The last day the alarm goes off. The last day my personal heater pulls off the covers, making me have to get up. I don't have to drive car pool. I can stay in my jammies until noon. Friday afternoon, we always go to Scott's parents house. The kids get to play outside in the safe, fenced back yard. Pa takes them on walks. I get to talk to my sister (the one I had to get married to get so I have 20 years of no sister conversation to catch up on). The kids watch a movie, the adults play games, and get silly. I don't have to think about what's for dinner. I don't have to clean the house. I don't have to worry about who needs to be where and when they need to be there. I don't have to worry about home "fun." And the best part is I get to see my best friend for almost 2 days straight. Friday is heaven. I can enjoy the few hours of freedom before the work of Saturday.

And best of all, our tax return should be direct deposited today and I'll be able to book our hotel to go visit my brother who moved away to California. I can think about a whole week of just the pool, the beach, and baby Maren (and Andy and Nicole too). Oh the joy. I just love Friday.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My house is quiet. Okay it's not really quiet, the dishwasher, washing machine and dryer are all running, and my ChaCha doorbell is ringing. But the 3 kids who are home are actually having quiet time in their new rooms. And they are actually being quiet. We haven't had actual quiet time for . . . well I can't remember when the last time was. It is so nice for my brain to be able to think about home stuff. Usually I can only think in the shower, or on the rare occasions when I'm alone in the car. In the shower, I'm always obsessing about my dreams or making a list of the things I need to do that day, or thinking hmmmmm HOT WATER. Usually I'm only alone in the car when I'm on my way somewhere - thinking about the Pampered Chef show, did I remember the quilt block, etc. Now I can think about . . . well I can think about anything.

I opened the curtains in my room, which I haven't done all winter. It's stormy outside but the sunshine is so nice. The snow is finally all melted from the yard and soon we'll start to see the shoots of new flowers and the grass will start to turn green. It feels like I spend my whole life wishing the days away, or being so consumed will all the jobs I've got to get done today. Then suddenly tomorrow is today. Today in the quiet, I was thinking, someday almost every day will be this quiet. In 2 years I'll have all 4 kids in school. In 3, they will all be gone from 8-3 Monday thru Friday. They are so much fun as they get older, and smarter, and more independent. Will I enjoy them then as I much as I do now? Will I wish away all my tomorrows and wonder what happened when they all leave to be grownup?

I love the quiet, and I love that my kids are growing up. I was never one to wish back the baby stage. I didn't miss them sleeping in my arms (maybe because they never did) or rocking a screaming baby to sleep. I think I'll miss the funny things that they do and say everyday. I may even miss them playing in the water in the bathroom sink (and soaking themselves and the floor), and running down the hall at church panties in hand - dress pulled up to nose. Today's quiet was a good reminder to not skip past everything. I'm very thankful for something as small as a quiet house, if even for only an hour.