Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why does everything have to be scheduled for the same day?

Last year, Chloe started taking dance. She really enjoyed both tap and ballet and wanted to continue learning both. I didn't feel like she or I was ready to deal with the competition dance world, so there was once choice of class. I looked around for another studio, but no one taught a ballet/tap combo for anyone older than 4. So I signed her up for the Wednesday at 5pm class.

Move forward 3 months, Zac is ready to start soccer. And soccer practice is going to be . . . . . yep you guessed it, Wednesday at 5pm. Luckily I have a very nice neighbor with a son on the team, who was willing to shuttle Zac to and from practice. I'm thinking, "This isn't so bad. It's only 2 months." Soccer ends and now I only have Chloe's dance and laundry. Life is moving pretty good, UNTIL Zac turns 8 (More on that later). Well now Zac is in Cub Scouts - Way cool he's getting older. So now Zac goes to Scouts at 4:30 and right after I get him off, we head out to take Chloe to dance.

I'm glad and happy to let my kids participate in some extra curricular activies. I hope that the twins forgive me for spending the afternoon shuttling them around. And I wonder how I'll ever make it work next year with 4 kids each in their own activity. At least I've got a few months to figure it out.


Jeron & Brook said...

Don't you LOVE being a mom?! I keep thinking I would love a day off but it never comes and yet some how we make it work and I still have hair! =)

Krystal said...

I know how u feel. Both laney and Logan just finished T-ball(diff. teams)and had games at the same time. Had to run back and forth on the fields to watch both, plus deal with Bella crying 'cause the games were at her fussy- I wanna eat time! Aren't you glad u don't have a baby too on top of it all! Ah, motherhood!

Kris {The Freestyle Mom} said...

I dread this part of my kids growing up. It's already crazy enough scheduling out playgroup, gymnastics, and possibly soon preschool for one single, solitary 3 year old. Throw in another kid, and I'm done for.

I just hope my next babies are happier in the car or they are going to have a sad miserable little life. Poor unborn children of mine!


rachel said...

I totally hear you on this one! I really only have my oldest two in stuff right now, and I feel booked. It is just so crazy!

Nicole and Andy said...

Only you, Superwoman, can make it work! You rock!

Melissa said...

Is this where your single friend gets to say, "Neener neener"? ;)

My thoughts from the cheap seats are ... actually, I have no idea. I'll leave it up to the professionals to advise. Just don't overschedule yourself as the chauffeur, because if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!