Monday, November 9, 2009

Zac turns 8

On Oct 20, Zac turned 8. Every year on his birthday I think back to what life was like, before he was born. Mostly I was clueless. I'm not sure that I've really learned all that much useful information in the last 8 years. But I know how to change a poopy diaper like a pro. I can dispell most minor arguements. I can tell you what time The Dinosaur Train starts, and why parents don't like Spongebob Squarepants.

The day he was born was scary. It's even scarier now that I'm less clueless. I think that's the problem with the oldest kid. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't even know enough to know that I should be really scared. I worry that I'm screwing up a lot, and know that I probably am screwing up a lot.

Zac is wonderful. He is very energetic and full of life. He is a great big brother and a kind friend. He always wants everyone to be included. He has no fear. Let me say again, HE HAS NO FEAR. He has no problem asking for directions, explanations, or help from store employees. He doesn't worry that he is singing louder than everyone else. He doesn't care what any one else thinks about him. He is just happy being Zac. I hope that he never changes. I look forward to many more happy birthdays as he grows into a young man.


Krystal said...

He is a very smart, fearless, fun little guy! You are doing great as a mom, and we ALL feel that we are screwing up, but they won't know that. He's a great kid- so are the rest- and a kid can't be that great without a great mom!

Jeron & Brook said...

You are doing such a good job as a mom! I have thought back on so many things this past year and everything is scarrier when you look back on it! 8 is a big one as much for mom as for the kids! Keep up the good work and give yourself a big pat on the back because you deserve it! =)