Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No more diapers for me, we've got Potty Power

It is official. The day I never thought would never ever come has come. Jessica and her experts assured me that my kids wouldn't be wearing diapers to college. I told Jessica that she didn't know my children. For the last 7.5 years I have been changing diapers. At one point I had all 4 kids in diapers at the same time. I remember saying that Heaven is not having to change someone else's poop for an entire day. Well for the last 3 days I have been in heaven. Each person in the house can now go potty all by themselves. Sometimes Mommy even gets to go by herself too. We are out of daipers both day and night. Yippee Skippee!!!!!

I'm sure that I'll have lots of other countdowns and my days of Heaven won't last forever. There will be some new chore that I will grow to abhor and wish away, but for now this is pretty great.


Melissa said...

Excellent use of the word
"abhor." :)

Congratulations on being (or rather, having your kids be) diaper-free!

Nicole and Andy said...

YEAH! What a great day!

Krystal said...

Congrats! I still have 2 so I can hardly wait until I join you.

Kris {The Freestyle Mom} said...

I can't get over it. It's not fair. Alright it's fair. Anyone whose had 4 in diapers at the same time deserves A LOT of Potty Power. I posted about the same topic on my new blog. Not quite the same results though.

See you at quilt class!


Jeron & Brook said...

I got that for about 2 1/2 years and then it was taken away again! I will be there again - won't I?!