Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Graduation!!

Just before Andy and Nicole moved to LA, we wanted to make sure that Andy left Utah with his graduation diploma in hand. See, with all of the work that he done with his final paper, walking for his diploma just wasn't in the cards (and honestly I think that we was just ready to be done) - so Liz and I threw him a graduation party after the priesthood session of General Conference. Everyone in the family but Andy was in on it - except the catch was that Nicole and Natalie didn't know that we were throwing a graduation for them as well! Natalie had graduated from BYU-Idaho online and never walked and Nicole had just finished before Andy and was busy with Marin and moving twice. It was great!

I was the invited as the commencement speaker - both as Donald Duck and then the priest from the Princess Bride

Natalie Chalis Hall - Class of 2000 - Associates Degree

Nicole Iverson Hall - Class of 2008 - Associates Degree

Andy Jensen Hall - Class of 2008 - Masters Degree

1 comment:

MRJK said...

I think that is the cleverest nicest thing that you guys did for them (all of them).