Friday, March 6, 2009

I love Friday!

I love Friday. Let me say it again I love Friday. The kids would say I don't like Friday, I LUUUUUV Friday. It is the last day of the school week, the last day I have to get up early to get someone else ready. The last day the alarm goes off. The last day my personal heater pulls off the covers, making me have to get up. I don't have to drive car pool. I can stay in my jammies until noon. Friday afternoon, we always go to Scott's parents house. The kids get to play outside in the safe, fenced back yard. Pa takes them on walks. I get to talk to my sister (the one I had to get married to get so I have 20 years of no sister conversation to catch up on). The kids watch a movie, the adults play games, and get silly. I don't have to think about what's for dinner. I don't have to clean the house. I don't have to worry about who needs to be where and when they need to be there. I don't have to worry about home "fun." And the best part is I get to see my best friend for almost 2 days straight. Friday is heaven. I can enjoy the few hours of freedom before the work of Saturday.

And best of all, our tax return should be direct deposited today and I'll be able to book our hotel to go visit my brother who moved away to California. I can think about a whole week of just the pool, the beach, and baby Maren (and Andy and Nicole too). Oh the joy. I just love Friday.

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