Monday, November 3, 2008

Binky Free - at last!

It is a big step for our family - Nate and Kate are finally binky free (officially as of last night) and are now sleeping through the night without them. Nate had been using both of his as a chew toy and had ripped them into two pieces. When he would suck on them all you could hear was air. Convincing him wasn't too hard once he understood that it was broken. Things did get interesting when I threw Katie's away (and it wasn't broken). Oh, the fits of screaming that she had - a wonderful performance that made her actor daddy very proud.

I tried to have a "funeral" over the garbage can in tribute to the Cosby Show and the fish... but all that did was drag out the pain. A few screaming fits, complete and total irritation and 30 minutes later they finally calmed down.

Interestingly enough we did it on the night that Liz had writing group and wasn't home...




MRJK said...

Liz-what's your writing group? Sounds neat.

Nicole and Andy said...

Yeah!! I am so proud of them! hehe!