Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So one day a year I can be giddy about the political process of our great nation and not be considered all that crazy. I got by BS degree in Political Science. I can't really say that politics are BS to me (hehe). You can always write to the people that represent you but today is the time you get to choose who those people are. Voting is a HUGE privilege that we are so blessed to have. Please study the issues and go vote!!! This is how we are heard en mass.

Andy & Nicole - We are thinking about you not being able to vote on Prop 8 today. You have been amazing in the work you've done, even though you don't get a say. Thanks for being great examples by not be frustrated by your circumstances!!! We love you!!


Melissa said...

Happy Election Day!

I had prepared myself to wait hours and hours in line in order to vote -- and then it only took 20 minutes. :) Even better!

Here in Arizona we have a marriage proposition, too. There haven't been any polls on it that I'm aware of, but with so many supporters from our church and others, it should pass. Go Prop. 102!

Nicole and Andy said...

Liz, thanks for the encouragement. We actually made it just in time to register here, so we're going to the polls after Andy gets off! They even have us making last minute calls today to make sure the 'yes' people remembered. I had forgotten you got your BS in PoliSci...so did my sis.

Candice J said...

I found you!! Just stopping at your blog and saying hi! Come check mine out. :) Love you too!

Candice J said...

That's "love you two". Apparently I can't type.